Sunday, 11 December 2011


Over the last few years, the fashion industry has seen more and more designers and labels release short films highlighting their latest collections in what some people might just call a long commercial, or a live action advertisement campaign. But even more and more fashion photographers and other similar creatives in the fashion biz have started to expand their artistic verizons through film.

Thanks in part to the Internet which is hands-down the most commonly used medium for most folks to set their peepers on fashion shorts, there seems to be even more of a demand and requirement for the industry's top talents to breathe emotion and personality into their clothes.

But even those who don't make clothes are also venturing into the world of short films. Actually, they're the same folks that helped develop this foray into it's current state of popularity today (Nick Knight, Rankin, etc.). I'm talking about the photographers and visionaries that saw past that the story of one season's work could only be told through photographs.

Yes, there have been fashion commercials in the past (perfumes from luxury brands are a great example). But fashion films aren't created so much for the most part to be turned into commercials you see on TV (and honestly, have you even seen much of them on TV anyway?), but as another visual representative of the brand to possibly create a connection with the general public.

It's just a modern form of pop art, just like billboards, magazine advertisements and in-store branding materials (think signage you see at a department store).

pioo pioo,

susie g ---------------------..-------